Civil Litigation

Regalis Law, P.A. handles various types of civil litigation for both plaintiffs and defendants in county, small claims, and circuit court litigation. No matter the step of litigation you are in, including preparing or responding to initial documents, discovery, mediation, settlement offers or agreements, hearings, and/or trial, Regalis Law can assist. We assist in the following types of litigation

  • Fraud

  • Trusts

  • Partitions

  • Breach of Contract

  • Breach of Promissory Note

  • Business Disputes

  • Quiet Title Actions

  • Real Estate Transactions

  • Inheritance Interference

  • Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices

  • Temporary and Final Injunctions against Fiduciaries

We know litigation can sometimes be a complex and overwhelming process, and we are here whether you want to enforce your rights in court or have been served with a lawsuit and need help responding and defending yourself.


There are many important deadlines depending on the specific facts of each case. As a general rule, it is important to pay attention to any and all court or case related documents and to respond within any designated timeframes to avoid waiving certain rights or issues. There may be other deadlines that a party is responsible for being aware of without being prompted depending on the type of case. While an attorney is not required for most civil litigation, with business litigation as a general exception, Regalis Law is here to help.

Plaintiffs or Petitioners

It is important that you are aware of important deadlines that may prevent you from moving forward with your case or waiving certain rights or issues. One example of this is the statute of limitations. The Statute of Limitations is the amount of time you have to bring a lawsuit after the issue arises. If you miss this deadline as a plaintiff, your case will likely be waived forever. Different types of lawsuits have different statute of limitations. For example, if you wish to sue someone to force the sale of property to you based upon a contract, the statute of limitations is only 1 year. This type of action or special type of remedy is known as specific performance and it is treated differently than a regular breach of contract lawsuit.

Defendants or Respondents

It is important that you are aware of important deadlines to prevent the other party from winning the case and obtaining a final judgment against you because you did not respond in time. This is known as a default, where the court may take the other party’s allegations as true. A default can be set aside if certain conditions are met. In order to avoid a default, a defendant must respond to the complaint within a certain amount of time after being served by filing a copy of their answer with the court and sending a copy to the opposing party. The time period starts in most cases after a defendant is served with a court summons and copy of the lawsuit by a process server or law enforcement officer. The summons will identify the time limit to respond and where the answer/response must be sent. In many types of county and circuit court civil litigation, the time to file an answer after being served is twenty (20) days. 


In civil litigation, discovery is an opportunity for either party to discover more information related to the case that may or may not be presented at trial. Discovery can be non-existent or complex depending on the nature of the case, the parties, potential witnesses or other evidence, the adversarial nature of the parties, and many other factors. Responding to discovery is typically mandatory and there is a set deadline to respond. Some types of discovery can mandate the presence of a party through the use of a subpoena. There may be valid reasons to object to certain types of discovery based on confidentiality or other factors. Common types of discovery include:

  • Depositions (Requiring a oral response to questions)

  • Interrogatories (Requiring a written response to questions)

  • Requests for Admissions (Requiring admissions or denials to questions)

  • Requests for Productions of Documents (Requiring certain documents be produced)

A case strategy based upon the individual facts and the applicable law is essential in discovery.

We can assist in asking the right questions in order to build the strongest case to present in court.

Regardless of your situation, finding yourself in court is a serious moment. Regalis Law is here to assist you in bringing forth the truth and justice in your case.

Contact Us
(321) 448-0408

255 Primera Boulevard, Suite 160
Lake Mary, Florida 32746